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New & Trending

Discover the top videos that are making waves on SWA Online! Whether you are looking to learn how to surf, seeking surf fitness routines, or craving connection with a like-minded surf community, our newest and most popular tutorials, empowering stories, and yoga practices are designed just for you. Dive into the latest trends and fresh content, from beginner tips to holistic surf fitness, all curated to inspire and strengthen your surf journey. Start watching now—your next surf session starts here!

New & Trending
  • What is an Asymmetrical Surfboard?

    So what is an asymmetrical surfboard and how in the world do they work? What is it like to ride an asymmetrical board and why would you even ride one? Holly's here to break it all down for you.

  • How to Turn Your Board Quickly to Catch More Waves

    The turn and burn maneuver will help you position yourself in the best takeoff spot when a wave is approaching. This trick is something you'll likely use in every surf session from here on out!

  • Should You Surf With "Ninja Arms"?

    A quick explanation of why you probably don't need to use "ninja arms" to keep your balance anymore and why you should try relaxing your arms by your sides.

  • Pre-Surf Back Warm Up (13 min)

    Activate Your Back with Foundation Training!
    Join Gabrielle in this focused class that emphasizes standing decompression and supine decompression techniques. Learn how to lift away from the center of your hips and move dynamically to decompress your spine. Perfect for improving posture, relieving...

  • Back Mobilization for Surfers (20min)

    In this grounding class, Gabrielle guides you through pre-surf back mobility exercises to help you check in with your body and strengthen your mind-body connection. Transition seamlessly into Pilates and Foundation Training-inspired movements designed to loosen your back, improve flexibility, and...

  • Back Strengthening (21min)

    In part three of our Surf Strong Series: Back, Gabrielle guides you through lower body strengthening exercises designed to protect your back and improve mobility. She then transitions into back-opening stretches and core-focused movements to enhance strength, flexibility, and paddling endurance. ...

  • How to Pack a Boardbag

    Holly's been traveling around the world with surfboards for 20+ years. In this video she breaks down how she likes to pack her board bag with a secret tip that you maybe haven't ever heard before. You'll have to watch to find out!