Surf Progression
Ready to level up your surfing game? If you identify as an “advanced beginner” or even "intermediate" surfer, then you already know the basics of standing up in the whitewash and dropping in on an unbroken wave. Now it’s time to refine those skills and level up to taking off at an angle, starting to do turns and generally feeling more comfortable in the lineup. Let’s start achieving those goals!
How to Pop Up on Green Waves
For surfers who are no longer catching waves in the white-wash, there's much more to the pop-up than just getting to your feet. Holly explores all of the different things you need to consider as you make your way to your feet and drop in on a green wave.
The Secret to Reading Waves
You can practice your popups and study maneuvers, but until you can understand where to paddle for the wave, which wave to choose, and what that wave is going to do, your progression is limited. This video introduces the concepts needed to begin understanding how to read waves. Spoiler alert: the...
Troubleshoot Your Popup
We have to consider factors like flexibility, injuries, and strength when it comes to the popup. All of our bodies are different! In this video Holly explains how you can further explore what's happening in your body when you pop up.
How To Do The Cobra Lean
This technique will help to get your rail engaged and your board cruising down the line as you start to pop up! Try it on any board, and in any conditions!
How to Turn Your Board Quickly to Catch More Waves
The turn and burn maneuver will help you position yourself in the best takeoff spot when a wave is approaching. This trick is something you'll likely use in every surf session from here on out!
The Easiest Way To Stay Safe + Improve Your Surfing: Kickout With Control
Kicking out with control keeps you and your board safe, while making you also look like you know what you’re doing. Holly shares top tips on mastering the controlled kickout and protecting your gear.
How To Generate Speed On A Longboard
Learn how to control and generate speed, navigate closeouts, get around sections, and engage your inside rail for smooth, epic rides with Christine’s tips!
Video Analysis: Backside Speed + Positioning
Surf Coach Beth breaks down intermediate level backside surf technique in this video analysis. Learn how generate speed when you're surfing backside and how to position your body for optimum performance.
What Do I Do With My Arms? Longboard Edition
Join Holly as she walks us through what we should (and should not) be doing with our arms when riding a longboard. Learn how your arms can be used for balance, making maneuvers easier, and of course, self-expression.
Introduction to Cross-Stepping
Discover the cross-step—the fastest, easiest, most functional (and cutest) way to move around on your longboard! Anne shows you how to start practicing it both in the water and on land.
Mindful Movement: Cross-Step Practice
This quick kinesthetic exercise will help you improve your mind-body connection to accomplish your cross-stepping goals! Practice this at home before your next longboard session.
How to Cheater 5
The cheater 5 can be a stylish maneuver for advanced longboarders, a silly move for shortboards and mid-lengths, or a transition to learning how to hang 5 for progressing longboarders. No matter the category, learn it today to elevate your skills.
Do Your First Cutback
If you've progressed to riding down the line on an open face, the first turn to learn how to do is the cutback. This video breaks down the beginning steps to perform your first cutback or trouble shoot how to improve your cutback. If you are still working on riding whitewater waves, you can start...
Improve Your Bottom Turn
Unlock the secrets to a perfect bottom turn! This video covers everything you need to know about shifting your balance to enhance your ride.
How to Fade the Takeoff
On a shortboard, you need to sit at the peak, but on a longboard, you can get away with taking off further on the shoulder. That said, you might want to position closer to the breaking part of the wave to boost your speed and maneuvers. Shelly explains how to use the "faded takeoff" for this kind...
Surf Etiquette - Navigating a Crowded Lineup
Surf etiquette is a tricky topic. There are solid rules, grey areas, cultural expectations, and new beliefs about surf privilege. Holly breaks down the clear and easy rules and also talks about the times when the rules might not apply and how to deal with that.