Facing Fear
Having fear is normal, but having the tools you need to build confidence in the ocean can be game changing. Crafted by surfers + water women with years of experience, the videos in this mini series will act as a comprehensive guide to help you build confidence in bigger waves and learn practical tools to overcome your ocean fears.
Featuring professional big wave surfer Delia Bense-Kang, former professional surfer + surf therapist Holly Beck, surf therapist Natalie Small, free diving specialist Morgan Hoesterey, and yin yoga/movement instructor Cherise Richards.
Join us on February 24th 1pm PST for our first ever live workshop on facing fear: https://collective.surfwithamigas.com/products/live-fear-workshop-with-holly/
“Charge into every surf session with the tools you need to feel your best, most confident self.”
Available for one time purchase for non-members: https://collective.surfwithamigas.com/products/facing-fear-february
Face Your Fears + Build Surf Confidence: Start Here!
Feeling fear is normal, but having the tools you need to build confidence in the ocean is game changing. Crafted by seasoned surfers and waterwomen, this series has essential tools you need to conquer ocean anxieties and tackle bigger waves, build confidence, and enhance your surf skills. After w...
How to Manage Fear
Surf therapist Natalie Small shares her insights on fear—why it can be beneficial, how trapped fear can become toxic, and practical tips to release it before paddling out or while in the lineup.
Guided Meditation (Grow From Fear)
Let’s say it again: fear is normal! Former pro surfer and surf therapist Holly Beck explores the three experiential zones in surfing—comfort, challenge, and overwhelmed. She guides a meditation to help you identify how fear shows up, recognize specific triggers, and embrace acceptance and growth.
Mental Preparation for Surfing Bigger Waves
Professional Big Wave Surfer Delia Bense-Kang guides you through her big wave visualization exercise, incorporating goal setting and breath work to mentally prepare for a big day of swell.
Yoga to Prepare for Doing Something Scary (15 min)
This short sequence with Reesie (and Ruban) is designed to ground you deeply in your body, helping you feel centered and powerful, ready to tackle anything that comes your way!
Calm Your Nervous System Yoga Class (18 min)
Reesie’s soothing sequence will guide you from fight or flight into rest and digest. Grab a bolster and block for these calming postures. Enhance your relaxation with this curated playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1TPzpYukDIGKiG8alcPOAI?si=2102a8c135b247f2
Yoga for After You’ve Done Something Scary (20 min)
After pushing your limits and facing intimidation, your body might be running high with racing adrenals and a quick pulse. This yin yoga is perfect for processing and calming yourself. Pair it with Reesie's relaxing music: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/2sU8iWVF8Q76dX3cRLSlZl?si=8d40bfcd2b4443ca
Jaws (Pe’ahi) Strike Mission
Big Wave Babes, Delia Bense-Kang and Polly Ralda, charge a swell at Jaws where Delia accomplishes her long term goal of catching a wave there.
Check out more from Big Wave Babes here: https://www.bigwavebabes.com/ -
Surf Stories of Fear & Survival (Holly Beck)
As a Professional Surfer Holly Beck sometimes found herself in places she didn't want to be, like in very big waves without a support system. She shares each story in turn, adding what she learned from each.