As a Professional Surfer Holly Beck sometimes found herself in places she didn't want to be, like in very big waves without a support system. She shares each story in turn, adding what she learned from each.
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Rediscovering Play Workshop (Week 4)
For the final workshop in our series, Holly leads an inner child meditation to help you reconnect with the joy of play. Reconnect by taking a moment to be silly with us!
Set Healthy Goals Workshop (Week 2)
Holly walks us through the steps of setting healthy goals for both surfing and life. She covers how to create realistic, motivating objectives and align them with your personal values to achieve success and fulfillment.
Watch the Miracle Surfer Meditation:
3 Healthy Ways to Release Anger
Surf therapist Lara Buros explains that while anger is normal, repressing it can lead to negative health effects. She shares three ways to safely release anger, helping us show up as our healthiest selves.
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