Full Body Mobility Flow (10min)
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This easy-to-follow mobility flow for surfers is the perfect class to mobilize every joint in the body! If you need a good stretch, or are eager to increase your flexibility in the surf, this is the class for you! No equipment necessary.
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Neck Stretch (10 min)
This simple, 10-minute neck mobility exercise for surfers will help you release tension in the neck. In this video Gabrielle addresses how to protect your neck while laying prone and paddling on your surfboard.
Pre-Surf Full Body Warm Up (10min)
Get ready to surf with this full-body warm-up guided by Jenna! Designed specifically for surfers, this routine can be done at home or right on the beach. You'll move through neck stretches, back mobility, lower body activation, hip openers, and lat stretches to prepare your body and mind for an a...
Animal Flow (10 min)
Spend 10 minutes on spinal movement, muscle building, and flexibility. Reesie guides you through a quick warm-up and heat-building flow. Find her playlist here! https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3VB5zVomCvrEB4lewbinAi?si=a4f5f86276b6482f