See All (Surf Training)

See All (Surf Training)

If you're interested in surfing and improving your surfing, the best women-taught and women-focused tutorials live here. Surfing is about a lot of different things: there are different waves, different boards, different approaches. This section is dedicated to all of it. Learn surf tips broken down into different levels. There's another category that includes things like etiquette, how to wrap your leash and carry your board, and other Further Essentials beyond performance-focused tips. This is also a place to learn about surfboards and fins. All the answers to questions you've been wanting to ask with no intimidation factor.

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See All (Surf Training)
  • Tips for First Time Surfers

    Did you just begin your surf journey? Chloe runs through a handful of tips that will help you navigate your first few surf sessions!

  • How to Turtle Roll

    The "Turtle Roll" is one of the best techniques for making it out to the lineup when you're on a surfboard that is too big to duck dive. In this video Holly explains how to get through waves and make it the outside by doing the turtle roll.

  • Parts of a Surfboard

    A quick breakdown of the most important parts of a surfboard with SWA Surf Coach Ally.

  • Should You Learn On A Soft-top?

    Soft-tops are common in surf lessons, but are they the best for learning? Discover the truth from Holly and find out what’s best for your surf journey!

  • How to Pop Up For Beginners

    Master your pop up for surfing with Holly’s beginner-friendly class! Build a solid foundation afterwards by practicing your pop up on land to build confidence and muscle memory. Let’s go!

  • How to Catch Whitewash Waves

    Ideally you would have a coach to support you when just starting out. If a coach isn’t accessible, you’ve already done that step a few times, or are just ready to venture out solo, then this tutorial guides you on catching and riding broken waves (aka whitewash) with tips to boost your confidence...

  • Mindful Movement: Popup Practice

    This easy mind-body connection exercise will help you nail your best pop-up! Practice this at home before your next surf session.

  • Troubleshoot Your Popup

    We have to consider factors like flexibility, injuries, and strength when it comes to the popup. All of our bodies are different! In this video Holly explains how you can further explore what's happening in your body when you pop up.

  • The Best Paddle Technique

    Master the Coco Chanel paddle to maximize stroke efficiency and save your shoulders while paddling. Holly’s got the secrets for powerful paddling and long, pain-free sessions!

  • Introduction To The Parts Of A Surfboard

    Xiquiu breaks down surfboard parts to boost your foundational knowledge. An important video for beginners or those who’ve only stood up on a foam board. Check it out!

  • Video Analysis: Beginners' Basics

    Video analysis coaching is one of the most efficient ways to improve your surfing. Watch along as Surf Coach Beth analyzes this beginner surfer's wave. From the paddle and the pop-up, to riding the actual wave, Beth breaks down each moment and gives us something to learn.

  • How To Avoid The Nosedive

    Nosediving is part of learning to surf, especially when you are first riding green waves. Don’t get frustrated— we’ve all been there. Good news: with this video, you don’t have to stay there. Check out these valuable tips on how to avoid nosediving in a few different situations.

  • How to Pop Up on Green Waves

    For surfers who are no longer catching waves in the white-wash, there's much more to the pop-up than just getting to your feet. Holly explores all of the different things you need to consider as you make your way to your feet and drop in on a green wave.

  • When You Don't Want the Wave (The Whoa Horsey)

    What happens when you’ve changed your mind and don’t want a wave? Enter our absolutely essential move: the Whoa Horsey. Master it to gracefully back out from a wave while paddling, valuable for any surf level. Click to learn!

  • How To Control Your Surfboard

    Want to turn your surfboard? Holly breaks down the basics to help you master your turns with ease.

  • Should You Surf With "Ninja Arms"?

    A quick explanation of why you probably don't need to use "ninja arms" to keep your balance anymore and why you should try relaxing your arms by your sides.

  • Beginner Bottom Turn

    Any turn at the bottom of the wave is technically a "bottom turn". When you're just starting out, the bottom turn is used to start going down the line. Holly explains how to start doing bottom turns both frontside and backside.

  • The Secret to Reading Waves

    You can practice your popups and study maneuvers, but until you can understand where to paddle for the wave, which wave to choose, and what that wave is going to do, your progression is limited. This video introduces the concepts needed to begin understanding how to read waves. Spoiler alert: the...

  • How to Take Off at an Angle

    If you are now able to take off on a green wave but find yourself stuck at the bottom or not making sections, this video will take you through how to take off at an angle.

  • How To Do The Cobra Lean

    This technique will help to get your rail engaged and your board cruising down the line as you start to pop up! Try it on any board, and in any conditions!

  • Is It Ok To Grab Your Rails On A Take-off?

    This is a contentious subject among surf coaches and you'll hear passionate defenses on both sides. Holly weighs in on the topic of grabbing your rails as you're taking off. You be the judge!

  • How To Go Faster By Shifting Weight

    The surfboard has a gas pedal and also a braking mechanism. In this video Holly explains the best way to apply the gas so you can ride the wave longer.

  • Do Your First Cutback

    If you've progressed to riding down the line on an open face, the first turn to learn how to do is the cutback. This video breaks down the beginning steps to perform your first cutback or trouble shoot how to improve your cutback. If you are still working on riding whitewater waves, you can start...

  • How to Turn Your Board Quickly to Catch More Waves

    The turn and burn maneuver will help you position yourself in the best takeoff spot when a wave is approaching. This trick is something you'll likely use in every surf session from here on out!